Celebrating 2021 National Library Week , Apr 4 - 10

Join us to celebrate the wonder of public libraries with prize-drawings and money-saving deals starting April 4!
For National Library Week, April 4-10, Baker County Library District is offering discounts for settlement of old library bills, free card replacements, forgiveness of fines on late materials returned by Saturday, and a chance to win prizes including a waterproof Kobo e-book reader worth over $200.
The theme for National Library Week 2021 is "Welcome to Your Library." Sponsored by the American Library Association, National Library Week is a time to celebrate our nation's libraries, library workers' contributions, and encourage library use and support. It highlights the essential role libraries, librarians and library workers play in transforming lives and strengthening communities. It builds awareness that libraries extend far beyond the four walls of a building and that everyone is welcome to use their services. Whether people visit virtually or in person, libraries are accessible and inclusive places that foster a sense of belonging and community through learning, discovery and exploration.
Actress, author, and activist Natalie Portman is lending her star power to shine a spotlight on our nation’s libraries as the honorary chair of National Library Week 2021. She will help highlight the essential role libraries, librarians, and library workers play in serving their communities, especially during challenging times.
Baker County Library District is celebrating the week with special “Welcome back” opportunities for patrons to erase or reduce account charges and return to using the library, such as:
- Amnesty checkin: Patrons can return late items and get overdue fines completely waived. However, this may not apply if items are so far overdue they have already been replaced.
- NLW Clean Slate: Ordinarily, the library allows everyone a once-in-lifetime chance to wipe away all accrued late fines. For the week of NLW2021, an additional Clean Slate allowance may be claimed. This credit may be applied to late fines only, not lost or damaged charges. Patrons just need to visit or call and ask staff to apply their NLW Clean Slate.
- Free library card replacement: Patrons who have lost their card can get a new one for free. The regular replacement charge is $2.00.
- 50% off old charges: With the goal of clearing old accounts, the library will accept half-price payment for lost or damaged charges more than 1 year old.
Families can grab activity sheets for their kids, and those that sign up for Wowbrary weekly email newsletter will also be entered into a lottery drawing for a chance to win prize giveaways. The Grand Prize is a waterproof Kobo Libra eReader worth over $200 that is compatible with eBooks from Library2Go and many other vendors. Baker County Library patrons can enter their email address at wowbrary.org for a chance to win.
During these challenging times, libraries of all types have been going above and beyond to adapt to our changing world by expanding their resources and continuing to meet the needs of their patrons. Libraries across the country are making a difference in people’s lives by providing electronic learning resources like online homework help and Wi-Fi access for students and workers who may lack internet access at home.
Baker County Library is supporting the community with new services such as Wi-Fi hotspots that can be checked out for up to two weeks. The library encourages all community members to visit their website to explore and access virtual services and programs. It offers a wide array of online resources that are available from the comfort of home, including downloadable eBooks and eAudio, family history research tools, and online homework help.
This National Library Week, the public can show their appreciation and support for libraries by visiting their library’s website, following them on social media and using the hashtag #NationalLibraryWeek. Patrons can check on the status of their library account by calling 541-523-6419, or logging on their library account through the catalog online at catalog.sage.eou.edu.
First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association and libraries of all types across the country each April.
For more information, visit the library’s website at https://bakerlib.specialdistrict.org/.