Donation Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in making a donation to Baker County Library District.
Book Donations
Baker County Library District. welcomes your donated books, audio books, movies, and music. Your donation will be added to the District's collection or sold at the annual book sales to help enhance our programs and services.
Book Donation Guidelines
We will accept:
- All Hardcover and paperback books in good condition. We cannot use damaged books (e.g., broken bindings, missing pages, soiled, musty or moldy, excessive writing in the text) or clearly outdated materials.
- All Commercially published media (e.g., CDs, DVDs, books on cd).
We cannot accept:
- Boxes that have been moved directly from long term storage to the Library.
- Large quantities of books that are not in boxes or containers. Due to facility and logistic constraints, we cannot accept loose material.
- Damaged books with broken bindings, missing pages, soiled, musty, moldy, with smoke or water damage, or with excessive writing in the text.
- Clearly outdated materials (see below for guidelines).
- Toys, games, puzzles, artwork.
- Magazines (bound or unbound) older than current, periodicals, academic journals.
- Condensed books (Reader’s Digest).
- Non-commercially produced media (aka home videos/recordings).
- Workbooks or study guides that are partially or wholly filled in.
- Computer equipment and programs.
- Audio or video cassettes.
We accept certain materials if less than 10 years old:
- Price guides and almanacs
- Encyclopedias/ Dictionaries
- Medical and financial advice books
- Travel guidebooks
- Computer manuals
- Textbooks
- Test preparation guides
The library reserves the right to refuse donations that do not meet the above criteria.
Other Gifts
For donation of historical photographs and other materials that may be subject to copyright, please complete the Statement of Gift Form. Librayr staff will provide a print copy on request.