
Baker County Library District is supported by a permanent tax base at a rate of $0.554 per $1,000 of assessed property value within the county. This tax base was created when voters approved a measure forming the library district in 1988. The district also currently receives supplemental income from a 5-year local option levy at a rate of $0.249 per $1,000, which provides about 30% of the district's tax revenue. With the two rates together, the district receives about $1,400,000 in tax revenue annually to operate its 6 branches and bookmobile.
In addition to taxes, the district receives monies from fines and fees, interest earnings, agreements with other government entities, private and public grants, and donations. Most of these donations are raised by the library's two support groups, the Friends of the Baker County Library and the Baker County Library Foundation.
For detailed information about the district's revenues and expenditures, please refer to the budgets.
2024-2025 budget [DRAFT PROPOSAL]
BUDGET MESSAGE 2024-25.pdfFY24-25 budget goals outline.pdfFY24-25_budget_packet_2024-06-11.pdf
2023-2024 budget
BUDGET MESSAGE 2023-24.pdfBCLD_2023-24_budget_mtg_Agenda-notes.pdfBCLD_FY23-24_budget_committee_packet_Attachmts_II_goals_outline.pdfFY23-24_Legal_Budget_Packet_original.pdf
2022-2023 budget
fy22-23_budget_adopted_packet.pdf2021-2022 budget
fy21-22_lb_budget_assessor_file.pdf2020-2021 budget
fy20-21_r05_suppl_budget_1.pdffy20-21_r08_suppl_budget_2b.pdffy20-21_lb_budget_clerk_file.pdf2019-2020 budget
fy19-20_legal_budget_adopted.pdffy19-20_legal_budget_packet_approved.pdffy19-20_budget_supplemental_adopted_r03.pdf2018-19 budget
fy18-19_legal_budget_r006.pdffy19-20_legal_budget_packet_approved.pdffy18-19_budget_assessor_tax_certification_packet.pdf2017-18 budget